Search Zones

Zones are geographical locations. They are organized hierarchically into a zone tree, with the World at the top level. For your convenience, the Zones page enables a quick shortcut to viewing US or International zones; simply select the desired Tax Data Type. If you are a Tax Data Provider, the Type will already be set to the type of content you provide.

Before working with this page the first time, please review Zones.

Search for Zones

Click a link to go to a procedure:

Search Zones Field Reference

Tax Data Type A set of tax information that is maintained by you (custom tax data) or Determination (US, Canada, or INTL).

Zone Name

The name of the zone and its position in the hierarchy. Required.

Zone Level A hierarchical organization of search zones from the top-level (World) down.

Select a zone

  1. Expand the zone tree by clicking the +(plus) sign next to the parent zone of the zone you want to select.
  2. Repeat until the zone you want to select is visible. (Zones are hierarchical, so it may take several expansions before you locate the zone you want to select.)
  3. Click on the zone to select it. The Edit and Authorities tabs are enabled for that zone.

Search for and select a zone

  1. Enter search criteria in the Search for Zones box. You can:
    • Select a different Tax Data Type.
    • Enter a full or partial Zone Name.
    • Select a Zone Level, or specify - Any Zone Level -.
  2. Click the Search button.
  3. Select the desired company from the Search Results drop-down list.
  4. Once the desired zone has been selected, the Edit and Authorities tabs are enabled for that zone.

Add a zone

  1. Select a zone that will be the new zone's parent.
  2. Select Add from the Actions menu. This displays a blank Edit Zones page.
  3. Enter the desired information and click Submit. See Edit Zones for more information.

Edit a zone

  1. Select a zone.
  2. Click the Edit tab.
  3. Enter the desired information and click Submit. See Edit Zones for more information.

Associate a zone with an authority

  1. Select a zone.
  2. Click the Authorities tab.
  3. Enter the desired information and click Submit. See Zone Authorities for more information.

Delete a zone

Use extreme caution when deleting zones. Deleting a zone has substantial effects. Consequences include:

  • Authority Zone, Product Zone, Established Zone, and Exemption Certificates Zone records related to the selected zone are simultaneously deleted when the zone is deleted.
  • Deletion of authority records creates additional cascading deletions.
  1. Select the zone.
  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu.
  3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.