Browser Requirements

Determination supports Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. Please see ONESOURCE Customer Center for the latest version of supported browsers.

See additional notes below:

Screen Display

Most Determination pages require a minimum 1024x768 screen size to display correctly. As well, the menus are optimized for viewing at 96 dpi. If you enlarge the display to 120 dpi, for example, options are dropped off or cut off of fly-out and action menus.


When using Determination in Internet Explorer, the browser performs best when temporary internet files are updated with each page visit. To do so:

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Select Internet Options from the Tools menu.
  3. Click the Settings button in the Browsing history section.
  4. Check Every time I visit the webpage in the Temporary Internet Files tab, then click OK, then click OK again.


Determination requires that pop-up windows are enabled. To enable pop-up windows, follow the instructions provided by your browser or contact your IT department for assistance.

Use Menus and Tabs to Navigate

When navigating in Determination, always use its menu items and tabs rather than the browser's Back button. Using the Back button can lead to unexpected results. Click Determination in the upper left corner of any page to return to the home page.