
For international tax calculation, the primary element of company-specific data is registration information. Registration information allows ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination to accurately assess your tax and reporting requirements.

Both customer names and certificate numbers must exactly match the data sent by your source system for the exemptions to be correctly applied.

Do not confuse Registration Groups configured on this page with VAT Group Registrations. VAT Group Registrations enable related companies to combine VAT payments or reduce tax liabilities, depending on applicable law and agreements with tax authorities.

Using these Registrations pages, you can:

  • Manage individual registrations and registration groups (groups that a parent company can share with its children on the Tax Preferences page).
  • Add Fiscal Representative contact information and up to 50 optional attributes for each registration on the Registration Details page.

You can only add a registration to a company for a custom authority if that custom authority belongs to the custom data provider (CDP) for the company.

Throughout Determination, custom authorities are indicated with blue, underlined, italic text.

Use the Registrations Field Reference table below to enter required and optional data in fields.

Registrations Field Reference




Tax Data Type


US or International Tax Data. This selection governs which authorities can be shown in the Search Results list.



The registration group that the current registration belongs to. Groups can be shared with child companies on the Tax Preferences page. Use this selector and its associated Actions menu items to select, add, delete, and rename registration groups.



The authority to which the registration applies.

Registration Number


The registration number. Enter a registration number in a valid format as described in Registration and License Formats.

A simple registration mask for the selected authority can be passed in with the USE_SIMPLE_REGISTRATIONS Configuration parameter. You cannot enter a simple registration mask on this page. It causes an error message that the registration number is invalid.

Start Date


The date (MM/DD/YYYY) on which the registration becomes active.

The valid period of a registration only applies when no registration data is submitted with the transaction. If no registrations are present, Determination attempts to find a registration associated with the company for the authority for the tax determination date and, if found, applies it. If a transaction includes registration data, it is assumed to be valid on the tax determination date.

End Date


The end date (MM/DD/YYYY) for the registration. If blank, the registration remains effective indefinitely.

Registration Tasks

Manage individual registrations.

Add a registration

  1. Select the US or International Tax Data Type.
  2. Select Add Registration from the Actions menu.
  3. Enter a full or partial authority name in the Authority field in the Search Results section.
  4. Click the Find icon. Select or validate the appropriate authority name.
  5. Enter data in the Registration Number field.
  6. Enter the validity period in the Start Date and, optionally, End Date fields.
  7. Click Submit to save your changes.

Edit a registration

  1. Select the US or International Tax Data Type.
  2. Browse the search results until you locate the desired registration.
  3. Update the Registration Number and date fields.
  4. Click Submit to save your changes.

Delete a registration

  1. Select the US or International Tax Data Type.
  2. Browse the search results until you locate the desired registration.
  3. Select the registration by clicking on its line.
  4. Select Delete Registration from the Actions menu.
  5. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Export a registration

You can export the selected registration or all registrations associated with this company.

  1. Select the registration you want to export.
  2. Select Properties from the Actions menu.
  3. Click one of the following:
    • This Company Registration to export only the selected registration.
    • This Company Registration and All Siblings to export all registrations associated with the selected company.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Browse to or enter a filename to save to and click Save.

Once you save the file, you can re-import it. For more information, see Importing Data.

Registration Groups Tasks

Manage registration groups.

Add a registration group

  1. Select Add from the Registration Groups Actions menu.
  2. Enter the registration group's name in the pop-up window.
  3. Click OK to save the group or Cancel to exit without saving.

Rename a registration group

  1. Choose the desired group from the Group menu.
  2. Select Rename from the Group Actions menu.
  3. Edit the registration group's new name.
  4. Click OK to rename the group or Cancel to exit without renaming.

Delete a registration group

  1. Choose the desired group from the Group menu.
  2. Select Delete from the Group Actions menu.
  3. Click OK confirm the deletion.

Export a registration group

You can export the selected registration group or all registrations associated with this company.

  1. Select the registration group you want to export.
  2. Select Properties from the Group Actions menu.
  3. Click one of the following:
    • This Registration Group to export only the selected group and all of its registrations.
    • This Registration Group and All Siblings to export all groups associated with the selected company and all of their registrations.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Browse to or enter a filename to save to and click Save.

Once you save the file, you can re-import it. For more information, see Importing Data.